

Auto Enrolment Pensions

We’re here to help you through the auto enrolment pensions process

Auto Enrolment Pensions are now an integral part of being an employer

Each employer must provide a Pensions Regulator compliant Workplace Pension for their employees, calculate and deduct employee contributions, make employer contributions, and pay those contributions to the Pension Provider on time each month.

Regardless of whether your employee wants to joint or remain in a pension scheme, they must be enrolled and a pension scheme must be available and compliant.

This places a huge additional responsibility onto employers. Unfortunately the obligations of Auto Enrolment can not be ignored as penalties issued by The Pensions Regulator can be severe and have a serious financial impact for a small business.

And all of this is new and daunting to a small employer.

The list below outlines the responsibilities of the employer:

  • Nominate a point of contact
  • Assess your workforce
  • Review your pension arrangements
  • Choose a qualifying pension scheme
  • Automatically enrol your eligible jobholders
  • Communicate with all employees in writing
  • Register with the Pensions Regulator and keep records
  • Contribute to your workers’ pensions
  • Complete your Pensions Regulator Declaration of Compliance

Whether you are fully prepared for Auto Enrolment, or haven’t yet investigated your employer responsibilities, we can make the Auto Enrolment process easier and stress free for any employer.  If you have employees that you have not enrolled, we can help you get up to date with your obligations and navigate your way with the Pensions Regulator.

We can set up your pension scheme, and ensure you’re fully prepared. We can supply the required pension letters so that your employees know in advance what will happen, and they can make informed decisions about their pension.

Once your pension scheme is in place the pension contribution calculations and scheme administration is a standard part of payroll.

Each month we’ll assess your employees and make any changes relating to opting in or out of the scheme. If a change of circumstance means employees should be automatically enrolled, we’ll take care of that too.

The cost of administering a pension scheme is now part of payroll, and starts at £30.59* per month, with pension scheme set up starting at £249.00.

Whilst Auto Enrolment is a requirement for all employers, with preparation and our support it doesn’t have to feel like a mountain to climb. 

Call the office on 01384 92 90 20 and speak to Nadine today, or complete the contact form.  We’d love to talk to you about how we can take the stress out of Auto Enrolment Workplace Pensions, payroll and being an employer.

* 2023-24 tax year


What is auto enrolment?

When employees fulfil 3 criteria, an employer must provide a pension scheme. 

The criteria are:

  • That the employee is 22 or over.
  • That they are under state retirement age
  • That they earn more than £833.00 per month or £192.00 per week (£10,000.00 per year)

The employee must contribute a minimum of 5% of their earnings over £520.00 per month or £120.00 per week.  The employer is required to contribute a minimum of 3% of the employees earnings over the same thresholds. 

Younger employees or those earning less than £10,000.00 per year can ‘opt in’, but the employer is not required to contribute to the pension scheme.

Can I opt out?

The employer cannot opt out of Auto Enrolment. 

The employee can choose to opt out of the pension scheme after they have been enroled.  Opting out requires the employee to follow the pension providers process for opting out, which can be as simple as a phone call or filling in a form online.  In the first month of pension contributions, the employee can opt out and receive a refund of those contributions.  If the employee opts out after the first month, the earlier contributions will not be refunded and will stay invested in the pension scheme.

How is auto enrolment pension calculated?
Employee’s gross pay £1,666.67
Less £520.00 (earnings excluded from pension contributions) £1,146.67
Employees 5% contribution less 20% tax relief £45.86
Employers 3% contribution £34.41
Total pension contribution £80.27

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